Forehead reduction with hair transplantation in women is a procedure performed on people who are uncomfortable with the openness in the forehead area that develops due to hair loss as a result of genetic factors or various ailments. The openness in the forehead area, which develops especially due to aging and the loss of hair, can cause disharmony in the person’s facial features, disrupt the golden ratio and cause psychological problems and low self-confidence over time. The solution to these situations lies in the forehead reduction procedure with hair transplantation in women.
Forehead reduction with hair transplantation in women
– Quartz Clinique

What is done in forehead reduction with hair transplantation in women?
During the forehead reduction procedure with hair transplantation in women, the hairline can be moved forward by about 1-3 cm in a single session by using the FUE hair transplantation technique. In this way, a more aesthetic and proportional forehead appearance is obtained.
How is Forehead Reduction With Hair Transplantation Performed İn Women?
Then, if there is no obstacle for the forehead reduction procedure in terms of the patient’s general health status, the hair transplantation procedure is decided.
Before the procedure, both the forehead area where the transplantation will be performed and the donor area where healthy hair follicles will be taken are anesthetized with local anesthesia. In this way, the patient does not experience any pain or ache during the procedure and completes the procedure comfortably. After anesthesia, the hair in the nape area, which is usually determined as the donor area, is shaved.
Afterwards, hair follicles are taken from this area one by one, two by two or three by three with the FUE technique. These hair follicles are placed through the channels opened in the forehead area where the transplantation will be performed and the planned hairline is maintained. During the placement of the hair follicles, it is very important to transplant in the direction of hair growth in order for the result to look natural. The forehead reduction procedure, which is performed by taking all these details into consideration, is completed in a single session.
Who Are Suitable Candidates For Forehead Reduction With Hair Transplantation?
- The forehead area is wider than it should be and disrupts the golden ratio on the face,
- Hair loss due to genetic factors, various diseases or intense stress, resulting in an opening in the forehead area,
- Structurally, the hair is behind the baseline,
- The one who has to constantly hide the width in the forehead area with a haircut to cover it and cannot use her hair in the desired cut,
- People who wear a headscarf and have to deal with the problem of a wide forehead and are uncomfortable with the general appearance of the face,
- People with low self-confidence due to their current forehead appearance and whose psychology is negatively affected,
- Seeking solutions to boost self-confidence,
- Individuals who are over 18 years of age and have completed their development,
- Women who do not have any obstacles for forehead narrowing with hair transplantation in terms of general health status, are suitable candidates for this procedure.
What Should Be Considered During Forehead Reduction with Hair Transplantation in Women?
In order to achieve a natural appearance in the forehead and general facial appearance of the patient after the forehead reduction with hair transplantation, it is very important to pay attention to the direction of growth of the existing hair during the transplantation process and to perform the transplantation in this direction.
Again, it should be ensured that the hair transplanted to reduce the forehead appearance during the procedure is the same color as the existing hair in the forehead area of the patient. For example, if the hair in this area is gray, it is impossible to achieve a natural and complete appearance if the hair taken from the donor area and transplanted is black.
Since the forehead area is one of the most noticeable parts of the face, it is important that the hair transplantation procedure is performed by an expert aesthetic and plastic surgeon. The smallest mistake or carelessness during the procedure can cause irreversible and undesirable results, disrupting the general symmetry of the face and leading to an unnatural appearance.
How to Determine the Hairline for Forehead Reduction in Women?
The main point considered when determining the hairline in the forehead reduction procedure is to ensure the golden ratio throughout the face. It is very important to maintain the 3/1 ratio to ensure this ratio, which is usually perfect. In addition, in order to achieve a natural appearance after the forehead reduction procedure, the age of the patient should be taken into consideration and a hairline should be created based on the age of the patient. For example, in older patients, the hairline usually starts further back. If this situation is not taken into consideration during the forehead reduction procedure, it is possible to have an unnatural appearance after the procedure.
Likewise, if the person’s forehead area has opened up and thus widened due to hair loss, it is better to proceed by remaining faithful to its original state instead of completely covering the opened area for a natural appearance while determining the hairline before the forehead reduction procedure for these people.
When Does New Hair Grow After Forehead Reduction?
Just like the shock shedding after hair transplantation, the hair transplanted during the forehead reduction procedure also sheds after the procedure. After 2-3 months of transplantation, healthy and permanent hair begins to grow. These hairs are exactly the same as the person’s original hair and provide a natural coverage of the forehead area.
What Kind Of A Process Awaits The Patient After The Forehead Reduction Procedure?
- After the forehead reduction procedure, crusting or small pimples may appear in the areas where the transplantation was performed, as it occurs after normal hair transplantation.
- After the procedure, the area where the transplantation was performed should be carefully protected until the period when permanent and healthy hair grows and movements that will damage the newly transplanted hair follicles should be avoided.
- It is quite normal for the newly transplanted hair to shed, especially within 2 months after the procedure. This situation completely disappears with the growth of new hair in the following period.
- Patients who want to have stronger and permanent hair strands after the forehead reduction procedure can get help from hair mesotherapy for this.
- After 2-3 months after the procedure, patients can have their hair dyed and styled with the completion and growth of the permanent hair that starts to grow. In this way, a complete appearance is provided in the patient’s hair.
What is the Price of Forehead Reduction with Hair Transplantation in Women?
The price of forehead reduction with hair transplantation in women varies considerably depending on the existing opening in the forehead area of the patient, the amount of transplantation needed, the experience of the doctor and the quality of the clinic.For this reason, our patients whose hair in the forehead area is lost due to genetic or other factors and who experience an opening and enlargement in this area and who are looking for a solution before this situation progresses further can call our clinic at 02122414624 and get detailed information and make an appointment.